Carl filled the dry cavity of his mouth with fluffy sweet goodness. Before he could push the balance of biscuit past his lips, his left hand fell to the table while the support from his left leg gave way and portions of his torso went limp.…
Blessed to have no knowledge of the limited time he was operating within, Carl went about his Saturday with the confidence of many hundreds of Saturdays to come. He fought through the balancing act of navigating down narrow stairs with a shaky handrail.…
The downstairs thermostat is mounted near the main entryway and senses a whispering cold void seeping through the front door. Heat from a gas-fired forced-air system ignites with a high-pitched click multiple times throughout Carl’s rest. Deteriorated ductwork unevenly distributes this hot air throughout the old house, riddled with hidden leaks and plagued by too many dust barriers. Until the entryway thermostat’s demand is met, the upstairs roasts with dry air attacking Carl’s respiratory tract and disrupting his sleep.…
Carl’s left arm was pinned beneath his twisted torso and his legs came to rest awkwardly with his right foot entangled in the wooden stretchers of his fallen armchair. A faint pulse echoed the last pumping motion of his heart’s chambers, and then even that last imperceptible sign of life was gone.…
I raged to gain control of the moment and escape the possible grim destination of my spinning metal death carriage. My rhythmic chant to deny death filled the car’s cabin with an all-out scream. “I’m not gonna die! I’m not gonna die!” …
Oh crap, so this is what it’s like to have a heart attack! I was still balancing a hot tuna melt in my left hand on an oversized dinner plate. My entire body was constricted. My legs were pressing my upper body into the door jamb between my kitchen and den.…