Classic Ride Home / Part 2
I raged to gain control of the moment and escape the possible grim destination of my spinning metal death carriage. My rhythmic chant to deny death filled the car’s cabin with an all-out scream. “I’m not gonna die! I’m not gonna die!” … (1 comment)

Classic Ride Home / Part 1
I pulled the Caprice Classic out of a makeshift garage three blocks away; below Grand Street. I had to call up the building manager two days prior to get her out. He rented the bottom of an ancient building to a couple of car owners like me and filled in the hollow spaces around the cars with restaurant supplies.… (1 comment)

Locating the Hurt
Oh crap, so this is what it’s like to have a heart attack! I was still balancing a hot tuna melt in my left hand on an oversized dinner plate. My entire body was constricted. My legs were pressing my upper body into the door jamb between my kitchen and den.… (2 comments)

Instantly Intimate
Under the covers and feeling the heat of her body inches away from mine. It was an impromptu sleepover on a first date. We both had a few beers after an initial shot of citrus flavored tequila. That was hours ago. Our alcohol buzz was mellow now with our mutual desire for sleep.… (4 comments)

Appliances for Ghana / Part 4
The original plan to determine Nathan Meprizer’s displeasure with ramen, and the eating of it, was to spy on him and observe his eating habits. The process of observation was basic to science and the plan was sound, but Rita only had days to determine whether Nathan’s exception to ramen would be her undoing.… (0 comment)

Appliances for Ghana / Part 3
Rita hardly felt the urge to celebrate, as the process had not delivered anything useful to date. Dr. Carbonell was a contractor of the company, and therefore, in Rita del Pando’s mind, he was a PhD subordinate. He was laser focused on his work and obtuse in recognizing Rita’s need for some sycophant suck-up.… (0 comment)

Appliances for Ghana / Part 2
Rita was not going to be blindsided by a 5th Dimension Time Protector freak event. She was the angelic protector of Super Ramen Nikomu and its launch. Willis and Chandra would need to be activated and rise to the level of paranoid anxiety that Rita had achieved over the last three days.… (0 comment)

Appliances for Ghana / Part 1
Cooking appliances were not the typical domain of super hero licensing deals. Few had ventured into the province of mixers, toasters, or espresso machines emblazoned with the wondrous brand demarcations of a star super hero.… (2 comments)